Individual results may vary

Individual results may vary
Reduces levels of neurotoxins
GIVLAARI reduces levels of aminolevulinic acid (ALA) and porphobilinogen (PBG), neurotoxins associated with attacks and other AHP symptoms.
Fewer AHP attacks*
In a 6-month study, patients with AHP receiving GIVLAARI compared to those receiving placebo experienced fewer AHP attacks.*
Fewer days of hemin use
In a 6-month study, patients with AHP receiving GIVLAARI compared to those receiving placebo had fewer days
of hemin use.
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Once-monthly dosing
GIVLAARI is given once a month as a subcutaneous injection (under the skin) by a healthcare professional.
*Attacks were defined as those that required hospitalization, urgent healthcare visit, or intravenous (IV) hemin at home.